
Showing posts from May, 2014


Challenges after challenges...struggles after struggles... life is never ending with its own fair share of stories.... after going through and settling one problem, you thought things will be all right, and then another hits you.....and we will start the whole process all over again, complaining and whining about why things are always so unfair to us... but then, its always how you perceive a problem that will eventually determine how hard the consequence will a person interprets the whole situation will determine how serious it all is...I am speaking this on a very real experience which I encountered... and this is what the human race knows as "miscommunication".... a problem that is so petty, so small, so insignificant, yet to some, it is like a life-changing problem; a do or die situation, a life and death situation.... funny how it seem when you are in one of the person involved in you it may seem nothing, but to another, its the whole world... so le...

I am ME

A morning post...for once, i think. Humans, being humans...can't be stirred of their own thoughts and actions. The minute you questioned them about their actions or opinions, they go all defensive about it and would not back down, and instead you are made to back down... familiar? well, maybe for some, but i always get this... Being me, I like to question stuff. stuff of which i am very doubtful of, stuff of which i am certain is wrong, stuff of which will bear negative consequence not just on me, but on the people around me... and i guess this character of mine is not acceptable by the majority human race. maybe cause i am loud, so people tend to think i am scolding.. hahaha... well, i know i may be abit overboard at know, the famous bahasa saying, "berani dengan membuta tuli"...that's me, in a way. i can get over-excited or over-angry over things without thinking about it.. and that has seriously brought me to trouble alot of times...and since then...

Service with love

It's been a month since my last post...and one hell of a month it, work and more work... but needless to say, it has been a very interesting journey the past few weeks... I used to whine and complain a lot, or get angry easily, but I guess, we are just like fine wine...the older we get, the better we become... not to brag, but guess, that's the truth As I aged, hahahaha...that word sounds wrong, I realize that it is very important to know your priorities. Only when you know what are your priorities, can you set different views in life... only then can you see what is important in life and don't let small petty things affect you in whatsoever way possible... I'm saying all these is because we humans, tend to lose focus and instead get so easily distracted with the petty mistakes that people make, the annoying actions that they kept repeating, the irritating movements that can't seem to get your eyes off them, etc etc (gosh typing it out also making me ...