Life Changing Experience... might be a bit late for me to blog about this experience as it has happened bout a week ago...but i still feel the need to share my experience here....

You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you and you will be my Witnesses Acts 1 : 8

well...i was one of the participants of the Lifeline Conference, held for the first time at the Archdiocesan Pastoral Centre, at Jalan Robertson, Pudu. I must admit that at first,i was reluctant to go but somehow something made me changed my mind and i thank God for that changed of mind, for it changed my life!

It was a three days two nights conference, held during the Merdeka holidays..and yeah, i was lucky enough to witness the Merdeka countdown fireworks live from where i was, thanks to the strategic location of the area! woo was thrilling and exciting! Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!

Well, i registered for the Theology of the Body workshop and it realy open my eyes wide! Alot of issues were finally answered and things that were blurred at the backs of our minds have now been cleared. we have finally understood the church teachings about sex and how it was being addressed by the church...and i must say, it certainly changed my perception of sex totally, and that now i began to realize that sex is really a beautiful thing, given by God to His people...and the basis of all is LOVE!


Praise and worship was the ultimate session that i truly enjoyed myself (not to say that the others were bad ah....) for this entire conference. I witness myself, how the spirit works in everyone....different people have different encounters with the spirit, though mostly are gifted to speak in tongues...i and shaun personally, and honestly were questioning God in a way because somehow, only the both of us from UM were unable to activate these gifts...but somehow, we waited and stil continue to pray to Him for His grace...till to the point that Shaun even made a theory on how the spirit works because it seems like the Spirit 'skipped' both of us on a particular praise and worship session...but somehow, we just waited...but in the end, God showed us signs that His gift of speaking in tongues was not for us eventually, because the same thing happen again when we were both 'skipped' during another praise and worship session...People there told us to let go, don't hold back against God...but at the back of our heads, we were asking HOW???

Me and Shaun
but then, we didnt gave up...we continued to pray fervently to Him...and then it happened! on the final day, the morning session of praise and worship...something happen....i truly can feel God...i experience Him in a form of pain and suffering where it showed me how suffering God was when we all sinned against made me realize how bad a sinner I am all this while.....forgive me Lord, your servant is unworthy....

Shaun too felt God..he wept and wept and was feeling numb in his hands and feet and when someone came to pray over him, asking him to let go...he finally did and collapsed....after this experience, we both were so thankful to God...we were so grateful that although we almost gave up, but He didnt gave up on us, He was really our only hope, our saviour and Redeemer....Praise be to God Most High! We came to think and realize that God was really watching over us...He knows what is best for us, maybe He does know that the gift of speaking in tongues was not meant for us and He prepared something more special for us...God works in mysterious ways....This whole experience was a life changing one for us...we felt a deep peace in our hearts after the conference, knowing that God is always with us...we just need to pray and continue to trust in Him....He is always there...

If GoD aNsWeR uR pRayErS, He'z IncreAsInG uR FaiTH,
iF hE DeLayZ, He'Z iNcReAsInG uR PaTieNcE,
BuT iF hE dOesN'T AnSweR MeAns hE HaVe A BeTTeR pLaN FoR u iN ThE FuTuRe.."
Ronald Anil
Ginette the UMers


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