my Youcat journey still continues..
it's a little late on this post because there have been so many ongoings lately..but nevertheless, there is always a need to share my thoughts here...
so my Youcat journey continues with our lesson on the Holy Spirit. we dwelt into the Holy Spirit and his works. yeah, you think you knew all about the Holy Spirit with Pentecost and the relationship of the Father and the Son, but something strikes me which i did not realize it before. we all knew that Mary was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit, thus indirectly, it makes the Holy Spirit the spouse of Mary. funny? i honestly thought so, but somehow, it develop into something so beautiful that we have never thought of it before. so whenever you pray to the Holy Spirit or whenever the Holy Spirit is within us, bear in mind that Mary is there together too. beautiful.just plain beautiful how God manifested in all these.