
Showing posts from August, 2018

Darkest before the dawn

and so someone told me recently that it is always "the darkest before the dawn"... i was skeptical at first, but then now slowly began to believe in this... Well, from my previous latest post, things have really gotten into a 180degree turn in my was something i would not have expected to happen (not so soon at least), but it did...and initially i thought that it would be the end of me, the last straw that would have been my end... but somehow eventually, i decided to give life another chance...and i believe, to this very day, am glad to have made that decision... things may not be all prim and proper for now, but at least it is showing me that hope still exist among us if we do not give up believing in it... am still keeping an eye open about my surroundings though it may only trap me in my own situation later down the line... (fingers crossed that it will not happen).. Let's just see how things go... p/s: this post has not much input. but i just fee...