
Showing posts from August, 2010

Let's Start Over

Let's start over....its been such a LONG LONG LONG time since i last blogged..... ever since i lost my beloved lappie..things have all changed...change for the better..i hope... well, so im determined to start blogging once let my thoughts go free, to be allowed to share my dreams, anxiety, memories, hopes, etc..even if no one wants to know about them (hahaha)..... I am now already in a different phase of life my own personal dream, earning my own, surviving on my that's what truly life is...the true experience of living with people each day, working with ALL sorts of people and just how to "beautifully" adapt to everything that is ever-changing each day... life is indeed a struggle, but a beautiful one indeed..a journey that is indescribable, a journey so unique to each and everyone around...a journey that makes us who we are to this very day Today's mass theme was just so wonderful : WHAT MATTERS MOST ..well that is certai