
Showing posts from June, 2011

Where art thou?

Time's changed...clock's ticking...but whats happening all around? Life has been going on smoothly lately, but will it all just be online games and nothing else? excitement , sports , entertainment ...where art thou? i need a life too... :S

Life on a canvas

Imagine a plain white canvas in front of you, and a box of paints with a set of brushes beside you. You are required to draw anything that comes to mind. What would you draw? Well, life is like the white canvas, and every individual is responsible to be the artist to paint it with the colors of their choice. The paints are representing the personality and the strokes of brushes, made on the canvas are the lessons learnt in life. Every individual are dealt with challenges in life, whether it is small challenges like how to overcome some petty arguments or bigger challenges especially in determining the route of life in which the effect will be felt in the future. A larger stroke of the brush would depict how big the challenge is and the lessons learnt. Often enough, these two goes hand in hand; bigger challenge, more lessons learnt. But what differentiate these strokes are the colors you used to paint them. Different colors will give a different effect on the whole painting that you wou...

Mutant and proud!

Mutant and proud! something i picked up from the X-Men First Class movie....a beautiful tagline, full of meanings.. Being mutant means being different. Often enough, we are so afraid to be who we really are, or rather who we want to be because we are so afraid of being called different. people are often worried that they will be sidelined, ignored, neglected, made-fun of, etc just by being out of the they just go with the flow... But, that will only bring misery, torturing and suffering to mask your true self. Being bold and courageous to be who you are in a twisted world is something to be proud of. Being different is not always the negative, but it could sometimes be a blessing in disguise. Being different means being unique, outstanding and noticeable in certain ways ( i dont mean to be a show-off). To be daring to be who you are is a blessing. To show what you are made of, to be not afraid of everything and anything but at the same time being aware of everything thats ar...

Time to move on

Time to move on...perhaps....the signs are all showing that times have moved on, but why do people still care, be precise, why do I still i still living in the past? am i still clinging on to hope? am i still hoping for the imposible? am i regretting? .... I was the one who made the first move, I should not regret it, but in fact look at the bright it has changed me, how it has mould me into who i am today.....YES! There should never be R.E.G.R.E.T. in my dictionary...times have has move on...time to forget the past and move on..all is, i should carve MYstory!