Life on a canvas

Imagine a plain white canvas in front of you, and a box of paints with a set of brushes beside you. You are required to draw anything that comes to mind. What would you draw?
Well, life is like the white canvas, and every individual is responsible to be the artist to paint it with the colors of their choice. The paints are representing the personality and the strokes of brushes, made on the canvas are the lessons learnt in life. Every individual are dealt with challenges in life, whether it is small challenges like how to overcome some petty arguments or bigger challenges especially in determining the route of life in which the effect will be felt in the future.
A larger stroke of the brush would depict how big the challenge is and the lessons learnt. Often enough, these two goes hand in hand; bigger challenge, more lessons learnt. But what differentiate these strokes are the colors you used to paint them. Different colors will give a different effect on the whole painting that you would be drawing on the canvas. Of course a variety of colors on the canvas will make the picture more colorful and beautiful to be viewed, and vice versa. Colors of the paints, represents our personality in dealing with the problems or challenges that we faced.
Two persons may be facing a same problem, but what differentiate both are the way they handle that problem. Just like the painting, both may be having the same type of brush, but what differentiate between both paintings are the colors that they use to paint that particular stroke on the canvas. The color chosen and used, may beautify the whole picture or make it worse. Just like our lives, people with different personality will have their own way in facing their problems or challenges. The difference in this will also determine the lesson that they may learn from their whole ordeal of dealing with that problem or challenge. But what still remains the same is that they are still painting a picture onto the canvas. Meaning to say, whatever challenge that they may face, it is still part and parcel of their live and it will remain as part of them throughout their lives.
What is more important is that there are always lessons to be learnt everyday of our lives. It’s a never ending journey of self learning, coaching and discovering life. It is important to reflect on these lessons learnt, just as how you would admire the painting. If you think the color used is not suitable, use a different color that may fit into the whole picture you are painting. You are the artist, only you can determine how you would want to paint the picture. The picture is your life.


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