time to speak up
i just can't understand why people would not want to speak up. what are they fearing exactly? fear of being projected otherwise? fear of being rejected? fear of losing a friendship or a job? the fear of not being listened to? the fear of others' perception against you? well, needless to say, i have been in that position before. although being loud, some would not believe that i would be afraid to speak up in public. in actual fact, i am loud when i am comfortable with my surrounding and the people i am with. if not, i would just be the quiet and shy person whom everyone would not think of me as..haha.....weird but true huh? pelik tapi benar only after i am comfortable with myself in my surrounding, will then i start to show my true colors..the prettiest colors la of course..hehe......which is the current state i am in... Often enough, people may think why i am being "noisy" all of a sudden, but i guess that i have came to the realization that being silent would not ge...