
Showing posts from June, 2014

Bringing Hope

hmm....its been a while since my last post...well, lets just say I had problems with the internet connection, which disallowed me to blog whenever I want it wasn't my fault, but the computer's! familiar? of course...being humans, generally...we would always find all possible reasons to break free from feeling the guilt... we would always want to find a "scape-goat" just so that we are able to escape from the whole situation and be free from responsibility... as the  saying goes, "ignorance is bliss".... true for those who are ignorant, but what about the one who was being ignored? having my own fair share of experience, I can say that I had the privilege to be on the other side of "phrase"...meaning, I was the one being ignored...and it is really not blissful at all... to be ignored is annoying, it shows your unworthiness and the lack of responsibility...and im talking not just in terms of workplace, but it can be related to just about ...