
Showing posts from July, 2018

time to build it again

i did it again.... and it hurts more than ever now... when i finally decided to dive in and take the risk this time around, again....i am made dissapointed with the decision i took... i should never blame anyone for such, it is just a wake-up call for me to guard myself all over again.. its too hard to let go and let loose when all those will just cause you more hurt than you intend to in the beginning... enough. its time to build those walls again. the heart is not able to take it for the third time... once bitten, twice shy, third avoid. so help me God. Amen.

Getting out of our comfort zone

its been a while since i last posted...well, been busy with work...or maybe just making myself busy...hahhaa...whatever it was, it has been a whirlwind journey of late.. it got me thinking realize what we do to ourselves to deny ourselves from the reality in front of us.. confused? think about it. how often we drown ourselves in our own comfort zone such as in our work (because we are so used to doing what we are doing) or going to eat at places which we are so familiar with daily or doing the same routinely thing daily i.e. take the same route for our morning/evening brisk walk. are we happy doing these things and continue staying in our comfort zones? are you daring enough to get out of it and try new things? are you willing to put your work away just to have a good night out? are you willing to take a different pathway on your morning/evening brisk walk or maybe change it into a run instead? think about it. we are so often afraid of change. for the sim...