
Showing posts from December, 2014

I'm Not The Only One

As I am writing this post, the background music of Sam Smith's I'm Not The Only One seemed perfectly representing my emotions deep inside...well having said that, I have to be honest that i have been at doubts for various things lately and the song is just reflecting exactly and summarizing everything... and that is just what songs are really to me... i noticed that of late, i tend to really pay attention to the lyrics of the songs rather than just the tune and rhythm, and it is very interesting to understand the whole meaning of the song altogether. there is certainly alot of things being said and pen down in a song, and maybe only the writer or music arranger of the song would understand, apart from the singer itself, but when we do take time to listen to the lyrics, it is indeed beautiful.. a song can only contain so much words but it tells a whole story, if only we know how to look at it. enough said.  I know I'm not the only one.


I stopped asking the question "Why?" The simple reason of knowing that I will not be getting the kind of answers that I wished it would be. It is kinda sad when it comes to such a state but then, looking at the bright side of it (yeah, again I'm saying this), I guess it is for the better. As I ponder upon this simple idea of this post, of this topic which suddenly popped up in my head to write about it, a simple three-letter word can weigh so much for the outcome of it is far greater than just three simple alphabets. Looking at it at a different angle altogether, a person who have such questions are often rooted with expectations. True isn't it? We put forth this questions whenever what we wanted is not what we get. What we expect to happen, did not happen the way we expected it to be. What we are hoping for did not came true. All these expectations, be it good or bad, be it a positive outcome or a negative outcome, will always bring you to this three-letter que...