
I stopped asking the question "Why?"

The simple reason of knowing that I will not be getting the kind of answers that I wished it would be. It is kinda sad when it comes to such a state but then, looking at the bright side of it (yeah, again I'm saying this), I guess it is for the better.

As I ponder upon this simple idea of this post, of this topic which suddenly popped up in my head to write about it, a simple three-letter word can weigh so much for the outcome of it is far greater than just three simple alphabets. Looking at it at a different angle altogether, a person who have such questions are often rooted with expectations. True isn't it?

We put forth this questions whenever what we wanted is not what we get. What we expect to happen, did not happen the way we expected it to be. What we are hoping for did not came true. All these expectations, be it good or bad, be it a positive outcome or a negative outcome, will always bring you to this three-letter question. And it will come to a point when we will stop asking this whenever all our expectations turn out at the negative end, when we do not get what we expect but instead less of our worth, when everything that we hope for does not come true but instead worse things happened, when a hopeful beautiful end takes a drastic turn.....that's when you come to a realization of not wanting to know the reasons to all that has happened. when you know you have enough downfall to not wanting to ask "why" it happened to you. Well I also wonder, when we stopped asking this, will we ever stop having expectations then? will this meant that we have nothing to look forward to then since we have no expectations at all? hmmm.......

Why. Too much has been asked, yet too little has been answered. Enough said.


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