Me, Myself and My Life and of Others

Bless the lives of others, and your own will be blessed! that strikes me during the sermon on All Saints Day mass in SFX, celebrated by Fr.Alberto. A simple, humble yet meaningful sermon it was contemplating on the beatitudes and the lives of saints.

how often enough we put others before us? usually it will occur with our loved ones be it our family members, closed friends or anyone that matters to us in one way or another...we would go the extra mile just to help them, support them or just about anything for them and most of the time, wat the end of the day, we would reflect and the thought comes flashing in your mind; "why do I used up my time for the sake of others, and not for my own?"..and thats when you start regretting and vow never to repeat that "mistake" again..... and forgeting the past, there you go again doing it all over again. its a cycle! we help people, we grumble, we vow never to do it again and then we DO it all over again... if things turned out right, we feel saintly. if things turned out the opposite way, we scold and curse and hate for putting up with things which were not suppose to be ours in the first place....

but look at the beauty of the gospel and the simple sermon preached by the priest. it
always emphasize on never to look at yourself first, but on the others around you. when others are happy, then you would be. perhaps easier said than done, but i believe so based on my own personal experience.

i have a very bad habit (yes, it turned out to be a habit). i would always volunteer whenever help is needed just because i know i can do it (NOT for the fame, please)and knowing that the other people needs help more than i do...but usually it will always end up in a way that is not of my liking or preference...and all because i am overly-estimating myself and my capabilities...or rather simply as over-confident! and always hating this side of me for wanting to help while i myself struggle...then questions after questions start coming into the small little brain of mine...why did i do such? what do i get? worth all my struggle? do people appreciate it? etc etc etc...and the same conclusion i would come to; don't bother about people, only care about you, yourself because people do not appreciate and i suffer in the end.  or in other words, i asked myself to be more selfish. but then, after listening to the sermon, only did i realise the significance of everything that i have been doing all these enriching the lives of others, i enriched my own too...and how sad it is for me to fail to see that but instead provoking myself to be selfish (oh my, must have be the devil..haha)..

and so because of that, i have vowed to never judge what i am doing for others, because at the end of the day, it will all come back to me and happiness awaits. Me, myself and my life AND of others! Amen.


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