Being Myself

Often enough, it is very hard to just "be yourself" always have to try and fit it with whatever situation that you are thrown into and it does not allows you to show who you truly are....and when you get the chance to finally show your true colors, thats when people mistaken you for being "a changed person"...the irony of life!

well..being a change person for the better would of course be the preferred option anyone could have, but we would never be able to control what others feel or think towards you..when someone comes up to you (when they have the courage to come up to you) and say that you have changed, it usually causes misunderstanding if we do not really listen or try to understand what they are trying to convey to you...after all, who would better know you than you yourself alone....

but looking at it on a positive note..if people notice you have changed, means you meant something to them for them to take a notice in the first place..which is a good thing (i hope) shows that whatever you are doing have an affect on them in whatever way it may could be an inspiration, you could be a motivator or any other 'thing' that is affecting their lives...yeah! it seems such a huge thing (haha..maybe im a little bit exaggerating here), but the bottom line is that whatever that we do or say or act, we are affecting the people around us in huge or maybe subtle ways. Thus, it is very important for us to be always true to ourselves, and try not to compromise with things around us..because when we fail to be who we really are, we fail to live our lives being proud of who we really am! God bless us all


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