Been There, Done That

It's always been the human nature to compare and then start complaining! true? i assumed it is as that is always what i have been hearing and put through these recent times... people are complaining about this and that, unfair treatment, low wages, being misunderstood, etc.etc. but then again, you canot please the entire world and vice versa.

i was once "there" too....complain and complain, easier to say it out ba, but when it comes to action, NOTHING! .. just as what was shared in a talk i recently attended, the speaker said its always about what you do with that feeling, that will determine the outcome (well, that's what i summarized la..different people may see it differently)...i totally agree with what was said in the talk... when you know you are in a very bad position, everything that you do and say has already clearly showed you how wrong in a position you are in, but why do you still complain and stay put there? isn't the world has so much more to offer than to dwell in these miserable situations? easier said than done, right?

well guess what? i dare to say this out loud because i had that exact experience one year ago. i understand all the anguish, the anxiety, the pain that one has to go through when put in such a situation. when the whole world is up against you, but you do not want to leave because you still cling to that little amount of hope, which your heart believe there still is..and besides, the commitment and burden that you carry along will always always influence your decision...and i agree totally with the speaker. he said all this is pulling you back mainly because of FEAR! this is so true because being a typical human being, nobody wants to fail, nobody wants to be seen as a looser, nobody wants to be seen a person who gives up because of this, you still continue to strive among the s**t that you are in, no matter how smelly and dirty it is..all because you FEAR to take a step out of it...

and that was the exact feeling i had...i was a fearful experience. a risk that i undertook a year before, convincing myself that it was right, but a year later, proven to be the worse decision ever! yes, i complain and complain and complain of the S**T that i was in, but i was still trying to convince myself with the small part in me which always tell me that there is still hope in the s**t that i was in....i cling to that small part although i know the entire me is dying, eating me inside out....with a heavy heart (i admit), i decided to take the leap and leave the entire scene! it was a decision, to this very day, the hardest i could say.. imagine leaving all that you believed was a wake up call, indeed.

and i am really thankful for that move i took. and because of that, i began to see the silver lining in everything that i have to endure today, even though nothing is a bed of roses...i have been through the "great persecution", and praise be to God that i survived it.

therefore, i can proudly say, whenever people starts complaining about their disatisfaction and all, i can always say, "i've been there, done that...for real". God bless us all.


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