Challenges after challenges...struggles after struggles... life is never ending with its own fair share of stories.... after going through and settling one problem, you thought things will be all right, and then another hits you.....and we will start the whole process all over again, complaining and whining about why things are always so unfair to us...
but then, its always how you perceive a problem that will eventually determine how hard the consequence will a person interprets the whole situation will determine how serious it all is...I am speaking this on a very real experience which I encountered... and this is what the human race knows as "miscommunication"....
a problem that is so petty, so small, so insignificant, yet to some, it is like a life-changing problem; a do or die situation, a life and death situation.... funny how it seem when you are in one of the person involved in you it may seem nothing, but to another, its the whole world... so lesson learnt here...never assume what the other party understands what you are trying to say for they may perceive the whole situation in a whole complete opposite manner compared to you... talk it out, if you may, explain, if you may...but in all things that you may do to put things right, always remember that you may not please the whole world and vice long as you are aware of what you are doing, and know the reason behind all that you do, that is sufficient for your ownself...
hard to digest? well, just take your time. I learnt this the hard way, and am still trying to cope with am I thanking God for this bad episode of my life? of course, I will! if I have not been given this hard lesson, I would not have known the importance of assumptions and people's point of view....a blessing in disguise. that's how I would put it... well in fact, everything in life is a blessing in disguise...we just choose to see it "our" way, rather than the way it was suppose to be...think about it...its all about perception.
God bless us all.
but then, its always how you perceive a problem that will eventually determine how hard the consequence will a person interprets the whole situation will determine how serious it all is...I am speaking this on a very real experience which I encountered... and this is what the human race knows as "miscommunication"....
a problem that is so petty, so small, so insignificant, yet to some, it is like a life-changing problem; a do or die situation, a life and death situation.... funny how it seem when you are in one of the person involved in you it may seem nothing, but to another, its the whole world... so lesson learnt here...never assume what the other party understands what you are trying to say for they may perceive the whole situation in a whole complete opposite manner compared to you... talk it out, if you may, explain, if you may...but in all things that you may do to put things right, always remember that you may not please the whole world and vice long as you are aware of what you are doing, and know the reason behind all that you do, that is sufficient for your ownself...
hard to digest? well, just take your time. I learnt this the hard way, and am still trying to cope with am I thanking God for this bad episode of my life? of course, I will! if I have not been given this hard lesson, I would not have known the importance of assumptions and people's point of view....a blessing in disguise. that's how I would put it... well in fact, everything in life is a blessing in disguise...we just choose to see it "our" way, rather than the way it was suppose to be...think about it...its all about perception.
God bless us all.