
Showing posts from September, 2017

Being nagged

How often do we hate being proof to be wrong, or worse still, to be nagged? I, for sure, am a person who does not like to be proven wrong. Ego, you may called it, but I will not take it easily when people proof me to be wrong. Yeah, you may despise me for that, but that is just what naturally, any human does. Who likes to be proven wrong? raise your hand for me to see or just contact me after you have read this. I would like to get to know you better. But along the way, I slowly began to see how important it is to be proven wrong. It teaches me! It teaches me to see and understand how other view things opposite of my angle. It teaches me to be humble and not to want to have the last word all the time, although I still do, hard to control at times... See the second question above? the part of being nagged? that is even worse. when you are put in the situation to be proven wrong and then being nagged about it....oh man...I wished the earth beneath my feet just gobbled me up and b...

Doing what is right vs. doing what is real

Do we choose to do the right thing or we choose to do what is real? You must be puzzled with that question. Allow me to explain the difference. Doing the right thing is what everyone is familiar with, doing what the world deemed to be right i.e. feed the poor, help the marginalized, look after the elderly, etc. etc. Doing what is real is slightly related to doing what is right. Doing what is real is more on a personal basis. Being real, is the core of it. Being real meaning knowing that we will never be perfect and therefore will always succumb to temptations and distractions from all factors. Doing what is real is more of doing what is practical to your current condition. You may not have the access or exposure to the poor or the marginalized to allow you to "serve" them. You may be so caught up with work and other commitments such as family or involvement in religious activities, etc. You have the intention to do what is right, but when put in such condition, you have ...


The mandatory birthday post. Haha. It has become a habit now for me to post something before the day or on the day itself. Something that I do to look back at how far I have come over the past year...much to be thankful for? much to regret? much to change? to move forward better.... So, as my mum puts it...I am finally more than 30 today. To her, it was a big deal. to surpass the 30 mark, even though I told her I have been having a 3 in front since last year, but according to her, this year is different, because I passed that border and entering into another phase....haha...oh well, mum and her logic... Birthdays have always been something I look forward to every year, until I met someone who does not bother at all about birthdays, or better, hates it. to even wish people on their birthday or being wished on theirs.... I honestly find it funny, because I have always growing up celebrating birthdays. Maybe I was just being lucky to be able to celebrate it, not like this someone......


The sense of accomplishment! How many of you can understand that feeling? The feeling of pure contentment, of achieving what you wanted after hard work and long time spent..... the feeling is just unexplainable. As I get older, (yeah, as weird as it may sound...but a fact that we cannot deny since the clock will never stop ticking) I realized how much I value time. I value time in doing something productive, and not just merely wasting it.... yeah yeah, I do play online games...but it is necessary to get my mind of things at times. you need to know when to unwind and how to unwind just so that to keep yourself sane... Don't get me wrong. I am not condoning that playing games is good, but its the concept that I am trying to bring about here. It is knowing when to put your mind at rest and just have a good time. When you are so caught up with work work and work, you will just stressed up yourself and sooner than later, your health will surely be affected somehow. oh well...I ...

Love and lost

"It is better to have loved and lost than to never have love at all" Such a beautiful line that struck the core of my being. Honestly. Just a simple sentence yet so rich in meaning. Love indeed is just so beautiful. Oh well...some of you will start speculating things when you read me writing this....  "oh someone is in love..", "someone has a boyfriend".. yadaa yadaa yadaa...come on...its just something beautiful worth sharing. The line is just obvious to show how negative people usually are, when they experience a love lost, maybe a broken relationship or just a mere broken friendship. I have to be honest here. I lost a very close friend of 12 years over a simple misunderstanding. I admit I am wrong, but being human, ego is always at play whether we want to admit it or not. In the end, we rather sacrifice the friendship than our ego. and a close friendship bond of more than a decade just ended like that. no turning back the clock. It is difficu...