
The art of comparing... people just love to compare with one another, maybe it's a the human nature of a person... but i always remember the words of my father "Don't ever compare with other people, you must know where you stand!"..and indeed, those words are the key essence to who i am till this very day.
i have read before too that we should not compare as it will only make us unworthy of who we are. i have to agree with this, as although i have always try not to compare with others, but somehow, at some point, you will tend to do such.

comparing for a good reason would be encouraged, that is if is taken positively. this type of comparison is good as it will help us to improve for the better and to avoid bad circumstances. but if comparison it is taken the wrong way, then it will only cause hatred, jealousy and may even build up greed...and sometimes, when we tend to compare, we would actually lose out on open opportunities, jus because we compared with other people who had better ones...

opportunities will only knock once, you would be lucky enough if it was knocked twice..but if we do not grab hold of it, you may lose your chance all in once! yes, some may argue that it was not a good opportunity, but that was because they have started to compare with others... but nonetheless, it is all up to an individual on how to view the whole situation...

however to me, if we constantly compare with others,we will never find satisfaction in what every we do and we will never be grateful for what ever we have. as people progress, our jealousy will mask our own progress, thus making us backward instead. therefore, knowing what you want and where you stand is so important in order to determine your life's directions. no point looking and comparing with others, we will only make ourselves unworthy of all the opportunities that are around us.

arise! awake! be aware! your life is in your hands!


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