Believe and Faith

Believe and Faith. Any difference? It was beautifully put in place by a priest who preached so beautifully over the weekend and it will be a waste not to share it here.

He said that believe is the response to our faith. How much we believe, will reflect on our faith. No matter where we are in life, our spiritual state of being, whether our faith is full, or half empty, or half filled, or almost empty, God will be there. He meets us where we are. If only we believe that it will happen. We do not need to ask for faith, as faith is already given and planted in all of us during our baptism, that small little mustard seed, planted in each one of us, and poured with the holy water of baptism...therefore instead, we should grow in faith, and not just to ask for one. The two scenarios that Father has put up clearly explains the relationship between these two; faith and believe. we all have the faith, yet do we believe in it? We profess the creed, so perpetually, yet, do we mean what we say?

We have the faith. yet do we believe?

So help us God. Amen.


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