The bible is funny...hehe.....

hahaha...i was just reading the bible for today and a line that i read tickled my bones...haha...i was laughing when i read that verse. it goes like this :

"He has set the right time for everything. He has given us a desire to know the future, but never gives us the satisfaction of fully understanding what he does." Ec 3 : 11

Hahaha...this is really so true....He certainly has a plan for everything that is happening, and all we have to do is just to trust in His plan, cause definitely He knows what is best for us all...however, we do admit at times we questioned Him and doubted in Him...but its all because we do not understand Him well enough to know what He is actually doing, thats why sometimes we come to a point when we just aren't satisfied with our own lives.......

hahahahaha...when i read this line, i was really laughing, because it really hit jackpot!! He sure works and speaks in mysterious ways to us...we just have to be patient and He will reveal it to us...He is always there. Trust in Him =)

p/s: lol....still laughing......


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