
How do we tackle our emotions? Do we actually sit down and ponder of the emotions we are feeling at a particular moment, identify it and 'play' with it? Or are we always in a dilemma like this man in the picture, not knowing how to express our emotions, in the hopes that others may understand how we actually feel?

As the picture shows, each emotions is heading in a different direction, because (common sense) that each emotion will have different consequences on us, and also towards the people we direct it to. how we portray and express our feelings to others will affect the interaction with them, which could either 'build' the relationship or 'jeopardize' the relationship altogether. Hence, I'm sure many people would have been in this situation like this man is...not knowing what emotions or feelings to portray in response to other people...definitely, this is not easy as it is shown in the picture, where the distances are clearly written out and the direction of each emotions are pictured so well...it takes more than just those!

All that is pictured above is what actually happens in our very own section, the small space between our ears; our heads! Imagine our small little head, filled with all those emotions and feelings to choose from...hehe..

People have a tendency to not show their true colours, or rather their true emotions for alot of reasons, but the main reason is FEAR. the fear of not accepted, the fear of losing a relationship, the fear of giving a bad impression, etc. hence, they will always have a 'mind game' of thoughts, thinking and thinking of the BEST emotion to express...i emphasis again, i meant BEST, and NOT TRUE emotions to express... just so to 'look' good in other people's eyes....why i say so? because i daringly admit now, that i am one of those. i have a very very bad habit to not show my true feelings because of those fears i mentioned, and the biggest fear i always have is the fear of losing a relationship, especially friendships.

i know some of you may now think that all these while i've been 'acting', but im not. i am still who i am, just that i don't really show my true feelings...if you know me well, you will know that i seldom or rarely get angry openly at someone, although the truth is i am very angry at times... but there is always a reasone for me doing so...not just anger, but on other things as well, such as frustrations, disapointments, sadness, etc...its because i strongly believe that whatever emotions that we express, will definitely leave an impact, whether positive or negative, on the person we direct it to and around us(hahaha...some might be blur oredy at this point)... what i want to point out is, the feelings that we let out, will somehow affect the people around you..for example,when we are disapointed at something, we will usually sulk or keep silent the entire period till we feel like talking again...this will definitely affect the people around you, though you may not notice, but the people around you may also 'lose their mood' seeing you sulking or your silence may have just 'murdered' their high spirits for the day or sometimes to the extend, pressure them as well, because of the discomfort when being around you......im saying this, because i have gone through this...im speaking through experience,not just simply making up stories ah......and really i tell you, its not a nice feeling to be in.....

therefore, why do we want to limit other people of their freedom to be who they are, just because we are not feeling too well, or not being in a good mood? it is not fair...hence, it is best to just hide your emotions, especially those negative ones, and direct it instead to the positive. for example, when being angry or disgusted at something, don't just waste your time and energy of telling people how angry you are, and recalling the incident which will cause those feelings to surface; it will just make matters worse isn't it? why not try channeling them to other things that can cheer you up? isn't that much better than wasting your energy on the past?

i don't know about other people, but i really don't fancy to share my problems, discomfort or disapointments with other people, because i believe that they also have their own problems as well, so why want to burden them with yours too? maybe all you want, is to be comforted or their support, but by just letting things go and being with them is enough support to bring you back up to your feet again. no point thinking of a particular incident, and building those discomfort within you...what's the point? you are just disallowing yourself from moving on and continue to live in the past....i know it is easier said than done...been there, done that

hahahahaha...but this nature of mine;of not wanting to show my true (negative) emotions, also lead me to something else, far deeper within me.....but then, i gues i blog about it in my next post...its getting late oredy...*yawn*...~to be continued


-aDam- said…
Indeed you're rite...
Emotions... you should take my photo to be the man with so many emotions diretion!

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